Our 8:00 am ‘DayBreak’ service provides an opportunity to worship early each Sunday and receive communion weekly.

The 9:00 am ‘NewSong’ service for those who prefer a praise team and casual format.

The 10:30 am ‘Cornerstone’ service is for those who prefer a more traditional worship format.

Our Calendar is filled with opportunity to get
involved in our church body and in our community!

Click on each event for details!

Hebrews for Everyone Bible Study

The group who studied the Good and Beautiful series will through the of the epistle of Hebrews using N.T. Wright’s Hebrews For Everyone which has a study guide included in the book. Books are available in the office. Newcomers are welcome and strongly encouraged to join! No experience necessary. Group will be facilitated by Dave Nielsen and John Roberts. Contact Dave with…

Praise Practice

  Our Praise Team is always looking to invite anyone who is interested in adding their musical gifts to our 9:00 Worship Service! Whether you play an instrument, or love…

Memorial Day Slideshow

The Memorial Day slideshow will be presented at the beginning of each service on Sunday, May 26, to honor those who lost their lives in service to our country, and those who served but died at some later date. If you have an immediate family member who is deceased and previously served in the US Armed Forces, please provide a photo and…